How to Create a Parenting Plan 

If you’re going through a divorce where custody of children will be determined by the court, you and your spouse need to create and submit a parenting plan.  A parenting

Having the First Thanksgiving After Divorce

It can be hard to be thankful immediately after a marriage is dissolved. Parents and children are often still feeling a very raw pain. And since the holiday occurs only

Preparing for Peaceful Holidays this November

In a poignant essay about her thoughts on splitting time with her mother and father, Elizabeth Perez describes the anxiety she feels as an adult trying to make Thanksgiving plans.

Extracurricular Activities: Providing Consistency and Support

Imagine the following scenario of a couple: They divorced while their 2 young sons were in elementary school. Both parents shared 50/50 time with the children and they rotated on

Ideas for Divorced Parents and School Consistency

As the school year begins, it is important to share ideas for how to achieve consistency in homework routines and school preparation. Parents who are divorced or separated and timeshare

Increasingly, “nesting” is being used as a temporary parenting arrangement during divorce proceedings and sometimes after a divorce is finalized. Nesting is when the children remain in the marital home

It’s summertime and children everywhere are on summer vacation. And parents who struggle with the work/parenting balance during the regular school year now may be feeling like they are drowning

For those of you active in social media, you may have been noticing a surprising amount of “Divorce Selfies” popping up on your newsfeeds these days. In these sometimes impromptu

In NPR’s series “Been There”, people who have gone through an experience share their wisdom with others who are currently going through something similar. In the link below, Melissa Smith,

Co-Parenting: Hard Work, But Worth It

A recent viral photograph is making its way around the internet. In it, four parents are seen attending a soccer game, each wearing a team jersey with a special monogram