Case Study | Parra Harris Law Declares Paternity and Gains Substantial Timesharing for an Unmarried Father

Soon after discovering the mother was pregnant, an unmarried couple separated. Following separation, the mother refused to have any contact with the unborn baby’s father. Since he was blocked from

A Proclamation Declaring April as Parental Alienation Awareness Month

Fathers’ Rights activist and Florida resident David Henry is on a mission to educate others about Parental Alienation. He experienced it growing up in Italy. His military father did not

It’s Halloween! Let’s Focus on the Treats!

We all know the negative outcomes associated with divorce. But the fact of the matter is, that coming out of a marriage that doesn’t work, or in worse cases, a

In NPR’s series “Been There”, people who have gone through an experience share their wisdom with others who are currently going through something similar. In the link below, Melissa Smith,