Emojis, or the pictures and images that can be imbedded into a text message or electronic communication, are a form of communication being used with such frequency that they are
When the word “divorce” is brought up in conversation, many people immediately think of “alimony.” Alimony is a payment made by the higher earning spouse to the lower earning spouse,
Divorce brings with it many changes. But one change that is often faced by stay at home mom’s (and increasingly stay at home dads), is finding a job after divorce
It is now February, and the Divorce Month is behind us. More couples file for divorce in January, and specifically the first workday in January, than any other month. While
Domestic violence can take many forms. But the subtle beginnings of a violent cycle are sometimes difficult to spot until the domestic violence becomes more pronounced. One form of conditioning,
Many clients come to me at the most challenging times of their lives. What is so touching, is that those who come to my office and relate their stories often
The holidays are a time of gift giving. Most of us have a list of friends and family and loved ones we want to present with a gift this time
Clients often come to me at the lowest points of their lives. Divorce often means the loss of a dream and an adjustment of life expectations. Divorce often means dividing