How Time-Sharing Works in Florida

Divorce can be complicated, especially if there are children involved. There are many actions that can be taken for the welfare of your child(ren), and the court makes these decisions

Divorce During a Pandemic

The current world pandemic has put stress on all of us. The world was put into lockdown and has kept many of us from living our daily lives “normally.” As

How Does a Military Divorce Work?

While divorce is never easy, military divorces can often be far more difficult for a variety of reasons. For example, with military divorces, there are some additional rules and requirements

Signs That It May Be Time for a Divorce

No two people are the same, so it is inevitable that disagreements and fights will occur in any marriage, including a solid, healthy one. In a healthy relationship, spouses learn

How to Survive Financially After A Divorce

Divorces don’t just affect people emotionally, but financially too. From child support to alimony, it can be hard to pick yourself up again after a divorce.  Following a divorce, you

How to Create a Parenting Plan 

If you’re going through a divorce where custody of children will be determined by the court, you and your spouse need to create and submit a parenting plan.  A parenting

Reasons to Hire a Jacksonville Family Law Attorney

Family law attorneys handle family-related issues, represent clients in a divorce, as well as the issues related to divorce including alimony, child custody, and child support. Divorces are not only

Should You Consider a Do-It-Yourself Divorce?

The divorce process can be complicated and there are many mistakes that you can make if you try a do-it-yourself method. Even if you are amicable with your spouse, you

How to Deal with False Allegations in a Family Law Case

Going through a divorce is a difficult process, especially if your spouse and/or co-parent makes false accusations against you. Unfortunately, his or her words could be used against you in

Re-framing Your Perspective During Moments When You Are Hurt

I typically meet new clients at a point in their lives of great pain. They are often coming out of prolonged heartache. Sometimes they are seeing me after great effort