Divorce: Getting the Documents in Order

Because divorce is an emotional time, the practical parts of it- the gathering of documents and documentation of events- often falls by the wayside. But there are several things you

As Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to a close, a new report highlights several challenges faced by victims and families touched by violence. The report indicates that although the rate

Father’s Rights – A Broward County Father Wins Against Antiquated Law

In what as seen as a victory for father’s rights in the state of Florida, a recent ruling will bring about change. According to a very old law, in the

Summer Fun Close to Home

School is out for the summer and many of my friends and clients are making fun plans for activities to do with their children. Florida is a state with so

Camp Gratitude: A Weeklong Camping Trip for Military Families Receives Applications from Florida Families

Camp Gratitude provides a camping experience for military families who may otherwise not be able to afford a summer vacation. The camp, currently in Minnesota, is planning to expand to

Getting divorced? New tax law could affect your divorce more than you think. https://www.click2houston.com/consumer/new-tax-law-could-mean-bad-news-for-divorcing-couples

Focus on Family Dynamics: My In-Laws are Suffocating Me!

Very often family conflict begins with something small, or a small behavior that persists over time. Even very kind and generous behaviors can be annoying if they are unwanted gestures.

Family Time: Getting Back to Nature

It is February in North Florida, and the weather is beautiful: no longer cold, yet still cool before the heat of summer arrives. Now is the perfect time to consider