Mercedes Blasón-Aguilar of Parra Harris Law Reveals Wife’s False Allegations and Has Petition for Protection Against Domestic Violence Injunction Dismissed

After being together almost eight years, a couple got into a verbal disagreement which ended in both parties contacting law enforcement. The wife made false statements to law enforcement and

Case Study | Parra Harris Law Prevents a Bifurcation to Protect a Mother and her Three Children’s Best Interests

After 20+ years of marriage, a military husband stationed overseas moves his wife and three children to Jacksonville. Shortly thereafter the husband filed for divorce. In most cases, service members

Case Study | Parra Harris Law Helps a Loving Mother Maintain Custody of Child

A mother came to Parra Harris Law seeking help in resolving an issue she was having with her daughter’s father. The father of her child was seeking an injunction (restraining

Case Study | Parra Harris Law Declares Paternity and Gains Substantial Timesharing for an Unmarried Father

Soon after discovering the mother was pregnant, an unmarried couple separated. Following separation, the mother refused to have any contact with the unborn baby’s father. Since he was blocked from

Case Study | Parra Harris Law Beats the Odds and wins a Paternity and School Designation Case for an Unmarried Father

Background: An unmarried mother and father of two recently broke up and were struggling with resolving issues related to timesharing and school designation. In Florida, the law states that all