Case Study | Paola Parra Harris of Parra Harris Law Was Granted Motion for Contempt for Violating Shared Parental Responsibilities and Time Sharing

Case Study | Paola Parra Harris of Parra Harris Law Was Granted Motion for Contempt for Violating Shared Parental Responsibilities and Time Sharing

Paola Parra Harris of Parra Harris Law recently represented a mother with a young child. As the parents were never married, a parenting plan was created with specific time sharing details. Despite the specific time sharing schedule and parenting responsibilities in the Parenting Plan, the father felt as though he could keep their child additional days and nights without the mother’s consent. In addition, the father would often take the child out of school early and even out of the state without consulting with the mother. The father also ended up canceling the child’s health insurance and refused to pay for any extracurricular activities the child was interested in and simply unreasonably withholding his consent to the mother’s requests to enroll the child.


The court granted Paola Parra Harris’ motion for contempt because the father wilfully violated the shared parental responsibilities and time sharing schedule, finding the father in contempt. The mother was awarded additional timesharing to make up for time she lost, ordered the father to reimburse the mother for health insurance premiums she had to pay, and the dad is not allowed to take the child out of school without her prior written permission. If the father wishes to take their child out of the state, the mom must be given a written 14’ days notice. On top of these successful outcomes, the mother was awarded 100% of her attorneys’ fees which the father was ordered to pay. 

At Parra Harris Law, we understand the law and know how to present it in order to protect your rights. For all your family law needs, contact our experienced team at Parra Harris Law:

Paola Parra Harris