Parra Harris Law congratulates founder Paola Parra Harris for being selected for a Jacksonville Business Journal “Ultimate Attorney Award” presented by Comcast Business.
Mrs. Parra Harris was chosen for the difference she is making in the Family Law category of the legal profession and for her contributions to our Northeast Florida community.
Read the full article here – https://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2019/01/29/meet-jacksonvilles-2019-ultimate-attorneys-part-1.html?ana=e_du_prem&s=article_du&ed=2019-01-29&u=kDyE1MuSSozQ0rV4fR+dyJzu4w3&t=1548796400&j=86342201#g/449102/3
You can read more about Paola Parra Harris at https://parraharrislaw.com/attorney-paola-parra-harris/