Is January Divorce Month?

Is January Divorce Month?

january divorce month featured imageIt is now February, and the Divorce Month is behind us. More couples file for divorce in January, and specifically the first workday in January, than any other month. While the numbers clearly demonstrate that January is Divorce Month, the reasons for this trend are harder to decipher, as they have not been studied thoroughly.

But attorneys and psychologists familiar with this trend have plenty of explanations for this trend. Sometimes, couples seeking divorce want to give their children and extended relatives one more holiday season with the couple intact. Others wait until January to file because they realize that the busy holiday season, paired with several court holidays will make their proceedings take longer to be scheduled.

Stan Givens (2014) of The Blog (Huffington Post, suggests that the holiday season is a time of reflection. It may be during reflection that a couple realizes that their relationship just isn’t working. Or perhaps it is the impending new year and the prospect of a fresh start that leads couples to seek divorce in January.

Whatever the reason, January is the month that divorce filings increase nationwide. The same holds true to other countries as well. Knowing this may help couples seeking divorce to understand that they do not need to wait until January. It may help them to see that a new beginning can occur at any point in the year. Whether it is in January, or any month after, it is important for couples to reflect, do what is best for their situation, and seek out experienced help.

To read more about trends in divorce, go to:

For compassionate, experienced representation, contact the lawyers at Parra Harris Law (904) 900-1617, serving North Florida.

Paola Parra Harris