Back to School Time: Tips for Divorced or Separated Parents

Back to School Time: Tips for Divorced or Separated Parents

Back to School Time featured imageBack to school time is hectic. Children are not used to early bed-times and mornings after a summer break. Parents need to purchase supplies and adjust to a new routine. In families where children time share between both parent’s homes, the new routine, the additional meetings at school, and the need to purchase new supplies can become confusing. This can cause an increase in conflict.


But back to school time is a time in which the parents must rise above the chaos and be pillars of stability for their children. This may mean communicating more than usual with the other parent, and informing them about parent teacher meetings, school orientation meetings, and new extracurricular activity schedules. This may also mean extending additional good will to the other parent: perhaps bringing the forgotten textbook to the other parent’s home late one night, not becoming over upset over a tardy drop-off, or picking up an extra school supply that you may have expected the other parent to provide. Taking these inconveniences in stride demonstrates patience and cooperation to the children, and it gives them the comfort of witnessing that even though their parents may not be married anymore, they are willing to pull together when they need them to.


In the article “10 Smart Back to School Tips for Divorced Parents,” Brittany Wong offers more tips for extending the olive branch during back to school time. To read the Huffingtonpost article, click here.


If you need advice during a separation or divorce, please contact Parra Harris Law for your free consultation: [email protected] or 904-900-1617.

Paola Parra Harris