10 Things Kids of Divorce Do Not Want Parents To Do

10 Things Kids of Divorce Do Not Want Parents To Do

Parents often struggle when making decisions and doing what is best for their children in their regular daily lives. When parents are going through a divorce, it is even more challenging to determine what is best for the children. On top of this, divorce is a time when it is difficult to set one’s emotions aside in order to really take the perspective of the child and discern what is best from this standpoint. In her recent article, “10 Things Kids of Divorce Do Not Want Parents To Do,” Licensed Psychotherapist, Marni Feuerman takes on the perspective of a child whose parents are divorcing to help parents see which of their behaviors may be affecting the children negatively.


Check it out at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/10-things-kids-of-divorce-do-not-want-parents-to-do_us_57abdaaee4b08c46f0e4b03c?

Paola Parra Harris