How To Obtain a Stalking Injunction in Florida

What is Stalking? Stalking is a serious crime that occurs in various forms, for different reasons. Sadly, it is also a rather common occurrence. In layman’s terms, “stalking” is defined

Online Divorce in Florida: What You Need to Know

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year, it goes without saying that it has impacted the personal lives of Americans in countless ways, including in the areas of marriage and divorce.

Tips For Living Together While Separated

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year, it goes without saying that it has impacted the personal lives of Americans in countless ways, including in the areas of marriage and divorce.

How Florida Alimony Laws May Be Changing

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year, it goes without saying that it has impacted the personal lives of Americans in countless ways, including in the areas of marriage and divorce.

How COVID Is Impacting Marriage & Divorce

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year, it goes without saying that it has impacted the personal lives of Americans in countless ways, including in the areas of marriage and divorce.

What Happens if I Keep My Children Past My Approved Visitation Time

In our last article, we talked about holiday travel and time-sharing issues associated with Covid-19, and the best ways to go about navigating those tricky obstacles during these challenging times.


The fall and winter holidays are a magical time of year for many. After all, these are the times of year when we travel to get together with family and

How To Get A Restraining Order in Florida:  Petitioning for a Domestic Violence Injunction

Domestic Violence is a significant issue in our country and state. Nationally, one in four women and one in seven men are the victims of physical violence perpetrated by a