Graduation is an important time in your child’s life. It is also a time of many school events and many family get togethers. This can add stress to a family

For those of you active in social media, you may have been noticing a surprising amount of “Divorce Selfies” popping up on your newsfeeds these days. In these sometimes impromptu

In NPR’s series “Been There”, people who have gone through an experience share their wisdom with others who are currently going through something similar. In the link below, Melissa Smith,

Co-Parenting: Hard Work, But Worth It

A recent viral photograph is making its way around the internet. In it, four parents are seen attending a soccer game, each wearing a team jersey with a special monogram

It is Spring! Which means that children are counting down the days until summer vacation. Summer vacation brings unstructured days and vacation planning that can be stressful to parents, particularly

As many of you have probably recently experienced, the holidays after divorce can be a very difficult time. You may feel awkward attending gatherings when it seems that everyone else

There are often factors that individuals seeking a divorce fail to take notice of prior to initiating proceedings. These factors are things such as taking stock of family assets and

Florida may be considering alimony reform again soon. According to Jeffrey Weismann of the Daily Business review, this is because similar divorce cases in Florida, with parties of similar means,

Each divorce is unique and can fall anywhere on a spectrum from mutual agreement on all issues to high conflict on all issues. Most fall somewhere in the middle. In

Parents often struggle when making decisions and doing what is best for their children in their regular daily lives. When parents are going through a divorce, it is even more challenging