El arte de dar, incluso después del divorcio

El arte de dar, incluso después del divorcio

imagen de regalo de navidadLas vacaciones son una época para regalar. La mayoría de nosotros tenemos una lista de amigos, familiares y seres queridos que queremos presentar con un regalo en esta época del año. Y comprar para estas personas puede ser divertido, y expresarles gratitud es un placer.

Someone we don’t usually consider when shopping for the holiday is our Ex. If you are divorced, you are probably thankful that he or she is no longer your concern. You may enjoy the thought of getting them a particularly awful gift, especially if they had forgotten birthdays and anniversaries during the marriage. But before you relish the idea of wrapping up a lump of coal for your ex, consider doing the opposite.

Considere agregar a su ex a su lista de regalos navideños.

¡¿Por qué?!

In her article “Why My Ex Is On My Holiday Gift List,” Audrey Cole discusses the joy her kids experienced when they were able to choose a modest gift and bake cookies for their father while spending time at her house. She explains how being a good Ex-wife is setting a good example for her children, and a good way to show them that they can share whatever is on their mind with her, even topics they may otherwise keep to themselves, such as their desire to get dad a present!

Ella ofrece consejos a los co-padres que pueden estar experimentando dolor debido al matrimonio y el divorcio, y pueden retroceder ante la idea de darle un regalo a su ex:

“I would encourage everyone to add someone unexpected to their holiday gift list. The holidays are the perfect time to practice generosity and model civility and thoughtfulness to our children, even when the recipient isn’t our favorite person. Giving of gifts, after all, isn’t about us and what we want so much as it is about making someone else feel good or showing them our gratitude. In our case, my ex will enjoy a nice surprise from our children, and they will know the joy of giving!”

Take the challenge and start small: add someone unexpected to your holiday list, perhaps an old friend you have lost touch with, a past classmate you have wronged, or maybe even…. Your Ex.


Felices vacaciones de parte de los abogados y el personal de Parra Harris Law.

Paola Parra Harris